Why Choose Dian Footwear
A symbol of Comfort, Design and Health 
DIAN products are manufactured exclusively in Spain and proof of this is that the company has received the Spanish Origin Certificate (OEC), a seal created to identify Spanish companies that manufacture their products in Spain.
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Some workers suffer from their own feet pathologies, making it difficult to find a comfortable and quality work footwear that cares and protects the health of the employee. At DIAN we have taken this into consideration, and it is for this reason that most of our models can incorporate orthotic insoles.
Nowadays, we believe the future of the industry and of the different employment sectors lies in respecting the environment and the introduction of new forms of production that are clean and free of contaminants. For this reason, our products have the ECOLABEL, which certifies that our footwear is manufactured with reduced environmental impact.
After 30 years of experience, research and progress, the footwear manufacturing company Dian has developed a range of excellent quality work footwear, succeeding all this time in making a worker’s life much easier.
Functionality and health are the two basic aspects DIAN takes into account in the manufacture of their work footwear. A brand specialising in medical, uniform and safety footwear, bears in mind other key issues such as safety in risk jobs and adaptability to the different anatomies of workers using DIAN footwear. Because our main task is to provide solutions that improve the worker’s comfort in the workplace.
In our different product ranges (Health / Catering, Uniform and Safety), we have a type of footwear where comfort, protection and design are key factors. All this in order to avoid possible accidents and discomforts caused by inadequate footwear.
Finishes, textures, colour combinations and the shape of the footwear are only some aspects that make DIAN footwear a unique and quality product
We use innovation and technology, following bio-mechanical principles and standards. This is how we succeed in manufacturing a shoe that guarantees complete foot care and a proper fit. And not only that: our footwear offers the possibility of incorporating custom made orthotics for each user
A shoe where quality is top priority
One of the main features that we take into consideration when manufacturing our footwear is quality. This attribute is present throughout the footwear production process, from design to the finalised product with its finishes.
DIAN products have been adapted to the EN-ISO-20347: 2012 and ENISO- 20345: 2012 standards. Since 2004, AENOR certifies that its footwear models are adapted to the UNEENISO-9001: 2008 standard and with certificate number ER-0162/2004, which covers design, production and marketing of footwear
ECOLABEL certifies that the majority of its work footwear models are manufactured following reduced environmental impact procedures. Likewise, new recently obtained certificates guarantee-by measuring the carbon footprint of our models-, a responsible and sustainable manufacturing.
Design and independence
Our shoes provide protection and safety, whilst projecting an image of avant-garde design. The materials used for their manufacturing are highly breathable with lining and moisture absorption and evaporation.
Safety and Comfort
The component group of a Dian shoe make it a comfortable, quality and safe shoe to carry out the jobs they were designed for, protecting the user from all normal work risks, and providing the foot with a comfortable and secure habitat difficult to beat.
Comfortable and dry feet
The padded insoles, adapt to each foot’s morphology, they are breathable and have the capacity to absorb moisture and keep the sole of the foot dry. With antibacterial treatment to prevent the growth of microorganisms and bad odours.
Cushioning and grip
The sole is made of soft materials capable of absorbing heel impacts when walking. The sole’s design is made up of flat pads with piped edges, large grooves to facilitate the evacuation of liquids, preventing slippage on any surface, either wet or dry.